Lockport Township Democratic Party
Our Mission
The Lockport Township Democratic Organization is a family oriented organization, working for the community for over 60 years. We remain a strong, active and vibrant organization. The results of having a Democratic Township over the years has helped to maintain safe communities, better roads, exemplary schools, strong economic development and support for our seniors and youth.
The Lockport Township Democratic Organization is looking for folks like you, who are interested in helping our communities remain strong and vibrant. The LTDO is a starting point; we will provide training, orientation and leadership for your involvement in our organization. Many of our Precinct Committeepersons have moved up to higher elected positions including State and local elected positions.
We need your involvement. If you would like to be involved, please email:
Chair Alex Zapien alex.zapien24@gmail.com
Vice Chair Karen Johnson karen.johnson@interpublic.com
You can also make a donation to our organization. Anything you can give would be greatly appreciated.

LTDO Board Members
Alex Zapien – Chair
Karen Johnson – Vice Chair
Dean Morelli – Treasurer
Mary Anne Williamson – Secretary
Erin Haas Gotts – Sergeant at Arms
Consider meeting us at our next LTDO meeting. We welcome you!
Please join us for our monthly meetings
Schedule for 2025 coming soon!
Odd Months – West of the River
Even Months – East of the River
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!