Vote for Dionne Wright for Lockport Township Trustee
Dionne Wright is a lifelong resident of Will County who grew up in the Lockport and Joliet area. With 25 years of dedicated community service, Dionne is now running for Lockport Township Trustee. She has served her community as a 25-year state employee, Vice President of the Fairmont School Board, Sunday School Teacher at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, and a Board Member of the Fairmont Community Partnership Group. She was also an elected Precinct Committeeperson and a member of the Decennial Committee for Government Efficiency for Lockport Township.
Dionne is a proud mother of three children, with her youngest currently attending Lockport Township High School.
Her priorities as a Township Trustee focus on:
• Fiscal Responsibility
• Government Transparency
• Expanded Community Services
Please vote for Dionne Wright as Lockport Township Trustee.