Lockport Township Officials

Alex Zapien
Lockport Township Supervisor
A township supervisor serves on a board that oversees the running of a township. As part of the community’s government, these individuals are responsible for setting and enacting policies and resolutions, levying taxes and setting budgets. They are elected to their posts and are therefore viewed as community leaders.
A township supervisor helps formulate township policies and supervise their enactment, participates in the development and approval of the township budget as well as the hiring of employees. As a member of the township board, he/she casts votes on community issues, responds to complaints of township residents and moderates township meetings.

Erin Haas Gotts
Lockport Township Clerk
The township clerk is the clerk for the township board. The clerk is the keeper of the township’s records, the clerk of all township meetings, and the ex officio clerk for the highway commissioner.

Mary Ann Williamson
Currently serving as your Lockport Township Assessor
Assessors have the responsibility of valuing property based on market value and equity. The Assessors work follows the assessment process each year and concludes with the closing of the books each fall.
It is important for assessors to be knowledgeable about their jurisdiction and familiar with state statute related to the property tax cycle.

Karen Johnson
Currently serving as your Lockport Township Trustee
The Township Trustees are the elected “watch dogs” whose responsibilities are to prepare the township’s annual budget, make certain that all township and road district funds are spent wisely and accounted for, and to assure that township services are efficiently managed and delivered. Because townships traditionally operate on very modest budgets (tax levies), compared to other government bodies, how each dollar is spent is critically important to the Trustees.

Dean Morelli
Currently serving as your Lockport Township Trustee
The Township Trustees are the elected “watch dogs” whose responsibilities are to prepare the township’s annual budget, make certain that all township and road district funds are spent wisely and accounted for, and to assure that township services are efficiently managed and delivered. Because townships traditionally operate on very modest budgets (tax levies), compared to other government bodies, how each dollar is spent is critically important to the Trustees.
LTDO Board Members
Consider meeting us at our next LTDO meeting. We welcome you!
Alex Zapien – Chair
Karen Johnson – Vice Chair
Dean Morelli – Treasurer
Mary Anne Williamson – Secretary
Erin Haas Gotts – Sergeant at Arms
Please join us for our monthly meetings
Schedule for 2025 coming soon!
Odd Months – West of the River
Even Months – East of the River
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!